If you are a parent, what you are about to read may seem a bit 'out there' but if you've read some of my writing before, you know that I see things a bit differently.
I was thinking last night what amazing and beautiful creatures children are and as I began to think in more depth, I decided that I wanted to put down in writing what I was thinking, so here goes.
From the moment that a infant takes it's first breath outside the womb, he or she is an individual person. Yes, you created this child but he or she does not belong to you and you do not own this child.
Children own themselves, period.
As a parent you are responsible for caring, nourishing, protecting, cherishing and loving your child.
And let me say that if you had a child to keep from being alone or because you wanted something that was 'yours', then you had a child for the wrong reason.
Having children out of love, is a selfless act, not a selfish one.
For infants, their world consists only of their mother. Mother is the word for God on the lips and hearts of all children. But by the age of two, they begin to differentiate between the world of 'Mother' and the outside world. They begin to realize that they are indeed separate from their mother and are individuals, with feelings and needs that belong only to them. They become independent and rush to explore this brand new, exciting world and if nurtured in the selfless way, will have no fear and only shine more brilliantly and that is how it should be.
Yes, I know you may be anxious and protective of your child as most mothers are.
But its important that you let your child be the individual that he or she is and not the person you believe they should be.
Your child is not here on this earth to fulfill your expectations.
They are here to fulfill theirs.
Let your child do that...
Nourish, guide, protect and love your children but just as importantly, encourage
their independence and their strong self of self.
And then, sit back and watch your child become the brilliant, amazing and beautiful person he or she was meant to be.
Until next time My Dear Friends...
Light and Love To You All,