Sunday, December 30, 2012
Using The Powers Of Your Thoughts
Recently I moved from Madison Wi to Austin Tx and began recreating my life.
In doing so, I neglected one major tool for manifesting my desires which was and is the power of thought. I had known this for too many years to count but in the first days in Austin, I had forgotten. Let me explain ...
We moved to Austin and sublet-ed the first few months with just the barest essentials in order to find a new abode, leaving just about everything we owned in storage.
The first few days in Austin, our VW was not drivable and we had no choice but to sit in the house every day. We knew no one in Austin and had no friends or acquaintances which made it lonely at times. It didn't take long before utter and complete boredom set in despite our best efforts to keep ourselves entertained. We couldn't do what needed to be done for our car until the 1st of the month and we didn't have much of a choice with the situation.
We did however have a choice how we saw our situation and what we did with it and that was something I much needed to remember. I hadn't been very positive in the last month and it showed and reflected in my thoughts and words. I realized I needed to change that and immediately change my environment.
Sometimes, when we are in the middle of a change and even when we are not, we forget the power of our thoughts. Thoughts have the power to transform into reality when we really believe in them in a positive way. Someone once told me that if I really wanted something, believe as if I already had it, which is excellent advice.
Want to be healthy? Believe you are well...
Want to get a new job? Believe you will find just the right one...
A new place to live? Believe that you will find the perfect house in just the right neighborhood...
You get the idea but it shows that our mind is a powerful tool for manifesting your desires. If you are open, positive and believe in the Universe's gifts to you, you will get what you want and what you need.
Try it and see ...
"One of the best kept secrets is the power of thought. You create that which you think. Thinking of someone or something actually creates a thought that is sent out into the atmosphere. That is the secret. Thoughts are matter..."
~Mary Dean Atwood from the book Spirit Healing
Until Next time, My Dear Friends...
Love and Light To You All,
Sunday, April 22, 2012
As usual, here's a question for you.
When faced with a new challege or experience, are you filled with excitemeent and anticipation or dread and fear?
Embracing new experiences is oh so healthy and beneficial for your mind, body and soul.
Is it easy? Depends on who you are speaking with but everyone has the abilty to view the
changes that come to their life with acceptance and growth. It's all in how you perceive it.
Classic case in point; I recently moved over a 1000 miles, driving the whole way in a volkswagon with three large dogs in tow.
Was it easy? Yes and No, yes because I was moving to be with the love of my life and no, it was not easy.
I could have been filled with anxiety about leaving Texas, which is where I have lived all my life, I wasn't.
I could have worried about leaving my two grown sons, I didn't.
And I might have been flooded with nervousness about traveling such a distance, didn't happen.
Being who I am, it might have been an impossible journey as this is a major life change for me but I chose to embrace every moment of it. It is how I have chosen to live my life. I spent the time on the road seeing a different side to my lover, talking over a million different topics and loving every minute of it. I drank in the changes of scenery with relish. And we laughed...a lot. And I am still embracing the changes that have come recently. I love Wisconsin, my new life and of course my love, who encourages and inspires me every day. But it wouldn't have happened if I hadn't had the courage to reach for the new experiences that were coming my way.
Every single one of us have that opportunity to view life's challenges and experiences with the joy and wonder of a child.
It's a concious choice and one that will give you untold joy. Being fearful of what life throws at you serves no purpose because as the saying goes, 'nothing changes but the changes' and life is nothing if not change.
Even the most challenging experiences have the grace to help you grow as an individual, develop coping skills and teach you what you really want in your life, if you have the courage to be open and fearless.
Next time a new experience comes your way, embrace it and try to view it as the gift it is.
Because it is indeed a gift.
It's all in how you look at it...
Until next time, My Dear Friends,
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
The Bath Of Love

As I sit here alone, I can't help but smile when I think of my lover.
She has gone to the hospital to be with her daughter, who is awaiting the birth of her second child.
And even though I so appreciate the opportunity for alone time, I miss her presense profoundly. She has, in such a short time, become very much a part of me.
We met online, she and I, as so many people nowadays do.
She appreciated my writing and I admired her photography and now here we are together, living in Wisconsin, a place I never, believe me, never in my dreams, did I imagine being and I find I am loving it. I'm from Texas and have lived there all of my life. She is from Scotland and comes complete with the most endearing brogue.
I have been in love before, as so many of us have, but this feeling of 'luxurious
love' is new to me. I find that I have totally surrendered to these emotions and feelings that wash over me at times. I relish watching the nuances of my lover's face, the way she moves, her lips speaking my name. love in it's truest form and purest sense. There are no expectations other than we love one another. No promises of forever and I so adore the freedom of it.
It is simply appreciation, gratitude, respect and passion that keeps us
forever entertwined with one another, physically and emotionally.
I am forever grateful that I have come to this place in my life and that I am able to so freely experience the beauty of this love and this unbelieveable woman who stirs my heart so.
“The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.”
~Fenderx Morrie Schwartz
Until Next Time My Dear Friends...
Love and Light To You All,
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Who Your Children Really Belong To ...

If you are a parent, what you are about to read may seem a bit 'out there' but if you've read some of my writing before, you know that I see things a bit differently.
I was thinking last night what amazing and beautiful creatures children are and as I began to think in more depth, I decided that I wanted to put down in writing what I was thinking, so here goes.
From the moment that a infant takes it's first breath outside the womb, he or she is an individual person. Yes, you created this child but he or she does not belong to you and you do not own this child.
Children own themselves, period.
As a parent you are responsible for caring, nourishing, protecting, cherishing and loving your child.
And let me say that if you had a child to keep from being alone or because you wanted something that was 'yours', then you had a child for the wrong reason.
Having children out of love, is a selfless act, not a selfish one.
For infants, their world consists only of their mother. Mother is the word for God on the lips and hearts of all children. But by the age of two, they begin to differentiate between the world of 'Mother' and the outside world. They begin to realize that they are indeed separate from their mother and are individuals, with feelings and needs that belong only to them. They become independent and rush to explore this brand new, exciting world and if nurtured in the selfless way, will have no fear and only shine more brilliantly and that is how it should be.
Yes, I know you may be anxious and protective of your child as most mothers are.
But its important that you let your child be the individual that he or she is and not the person you believe they should be.
Your child is not here on this earth to fulfill your expectations.
They are here to fulfill theirs.
Let your child do that...
Nourish, guide, protect and love your children but just as importantly, encourage
their independence and their strong self of self.
And then, sit back and watch your child become the brilliant, amazing and beautiful person he or she was meant to be.
Until next time My Dear Friends...
Light and Love To You All,
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Pausing To Give Love A Chance...

I am someone who adores being in Love.
I breathe it in, soak it up, drink it down and it is expressed in my writing.
So I am so happy to be in Love again. This person is so like me that it is astounding.
We believe in the same things, support the same issues, and are both creative; she an artist and myself a writer.
But last night I became filled with a bit of anxiety.
Why, you ask?
Because even though we have spoke on the phone and chatted on messager extensively, we have not met in person. And because I had planned to move to Wisconsin to be with her. I realized last night that isn't a good choice for me and that I was being impulsive.
Impulsiveness is something I struggle with and though I may want to throw caution to the wind, I realized right now was not a good time to relocate, be away from my support system or my sons.
I had thrown caution to the wind many times and have lived to regret it.
Now instead of not thinking about what was bothering me, I chose instead to bring my concerns to my partner's attention.
I was very grateful to my angels and spirit guides that I did.
After speaking with each other, we agreed that I would stay here and secure my own place as I am living with a friend right now.
That instantly made me feel at ease.
If our Love is true, then there is no need to rush into it. We can pause, relax and drink it in as it happens.
If it was meant to will Be.
There simply is no need to force Love to come into your orbit, because more than likely it will not stay.
Love is meant to happen as it happens and not because you simply want it to.
More than likely, if a Love has to be forced, it is not real Love.
And ignoring your inner voice is a recipe for disaster, not fair to your partner or to yourself.
So the next time you fall in Love, instead of rushing in, pause for moment to just savor the feeling of connection with another person. Try not to have expectations and just enjoy the process of getting to know this new person in your life. The process of Love can be a slow, sensual dance between the two of you and one to be appreciated, like a very fine wine.
"In real love you want the other person's good.
In romantic Love, you want the other person."
~ Margaret Anderson
Love and Light To You All,
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