Too often as we race about our day of work and taking care of the family, we forget what peace there is in silence. We become so used to everyday noise and constant motion that we become almost immune to it.
It becomes a part of our day and routine.
When was the last time you simply sat and were quiet and still?
Yes, I know...
"Who has the time for that?" you'd say.
But it is important to make time for not only does it give you immeasurable health benefits, being still also allows you to connect and hear not only your inner voice, but also the voices of your angels and spirit guides.
Meditation is a good way to start.
If you don't have time for meditation, try something simpler like sitting quiet for five minutes. I know, if you are used to running from project to project, solving problem after problem, sitting still for five minutes may seem like an impossible task.
But you can do it...
Simply find a place that is quiet and where you won't be interrupted, turn off the radio and TV and sit and be still. Make a ceremony of it, light some incense, burn some white candles (white candles are pure white light and draw the angels and spirit guides as well as loved ones who are no longer with us nearer to you) and make it a time simply for you.
Start with five minutes, if you don't make it, fine. Try for five minutes next time.
But keep trying. Once you've managed the art of being still, try to meditate and if you find that you can't stop your mind from wandering, then let it wander, for in the wandering come answers if we only pay attention. For some, a guided meditation tape may be helpful. If you are troubled by a problem or concern, pray to your angels for an answer. You may not get an answer right away but you will get one, if you just listen.
Be still, be quiet and listen...You'll be amazed at what answers will come.
Until Next time, My Dear Friends...
Love and Light to You All,